Pewag VKK14x52 Security Chain

Product code: VKK14X52G. Pewag part number #62036
Certified to Sold Secure Motorcycle Gold standard.
- 14mm diameter chain links.
- Case hardened.
- Special light weight alloy steel.
- MAXIMUM resistance to bolt cutting, sawing and freezing.
Available in lengths from 1 to 15 metres (in 0.5m increments.)
Chain dimensions:
Material diameter (dn) = 14mm
Chain link pitch (t) = 52mm
Ooutside width (b2) = 48.5mm
Textile Sleeving
Chain lengths up to 5 metres long can be purchased complete with a branded Pewag soft textile sleeve. Select 'FITTED WITH SLEEVE' from the drop down menu when making a purchase to add sleeving to your chain order.
Sleeve can also be purchased separately for retro fitting to existing chains.
Please click HERE for more details.
We highly recommend the use of Mul-T-Lock NE Series padlocks with Pewag security chains. These are top quality items and when used together with Pewag chains they combine to create a formidable partnership.
Click HERE for further details of the range.
Chain & Padlock Packages
Buy Pewag security chains fitted with textile sleeve and complete with Mul-T-Lock padlocks and SAVE 10%!*
Click HERE to buy.
(* When compared to buying items separately at full RRP)